The cynics wife theory

Surely if I want to do good things I can find support in my community? Maybe keep a hospital open or save some green belt land? If I try I can get people to come out to support me?
But If I want to do bad things like say polute the environment by building another runway or destroy some green belt by building a huge supermarket? Maybe buy a few more bombs? Well its going to be hard to get people out on the streets then and as a result hard to do bad things.
I still need influence though and because theres few of them they will have to be powerful decision makers.
The best influence to have is of course political. They make the decisions and send in the bulldozers after the so called enquiry has confirmed its a bad thing I want to do. They can even sign the cheques to help me buy the bombs. So the best way to get influence is to buy it and go to the right dinners and meet the right people. Therefore I become a political donor in order to build, polute or deprive in whatever form I choose. This is relatively easy with a party system of politics because they are a team and stick together from the top down.

Hence the Cynics Wife law of politics says that

"The party system by its nature demands that we have leades who work against our wishes"


Saturday, 10 January 2009

Ignorance is Bliss

Its impossible to get good news coverage these days particularly from the governments official news channel the British Bullshit Corporation.
The massacre in Gaza continues unabaited whilst the western world shrugs its shoulders and looks the other way. The other prime minister, you remember him, surely? There was an election, some people voted for him. Yes Blair thats right. well he did the same thing last time. Kind of looked the other way whislt Isreal bombed the Lebanon back 20 years. He didn't see nothin he had somethin in his eye. Well that was the guy who said that the London bombings and 9/11 were unrelated to our foriegn policy.
Many years later he is currently appearing on various news networks telling of how it would be madness to suggest that the current conflict justified terrorist action. Well I agree with him whole heartedly and 100% but....
It doesn't matter what I think because the kind of people who do that kind of thing don't really listen to him or his media outlets or me. They probably listen to stuff like Al Jazeera news who quote middle east sources who say he or any one of us may as well be flying the planes that drop those bombs on their babies for all they care.
So its unfortunate that next time a couple of crazy madmen decide to fly a plane into a building or even a range rover thanks to the good old BBC we can all hold our hands up and wonder why the hell anyone would want to hurt us?

The Beirut Report: False parrallels in Gaza

Over to you Obama

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