Who was it who said that if you repeat something often enough then people will believe it?
Big wage rises will be eaten up by inflation. Big wage rises will be eaten up by inflation. Big wage rises will be eaten up by inflation. Its on the BBC it must be true?
There are two types of people in the world. First there's rich people. That can be defined by someone who decides not to get out of bed and go to work tomorrow, or maybe the next day even or hey maybe the whole month. If they did that then nothing would happen to their lifestyle. Nothing. They eat the same food, go on the same holidays and drive the same car. That's what rich is.
Then there is me and you. We don't work we don't eat as much or as well. We earn less our children eat less or less well. We have to work and earn money to live.
So when inflation hits 3% then over a year our standard of living decreases by 3% so we could do with a 3% increase to stand still. Now you may feel like inflation is so much higher than 3%. That's because it is, because there's lots of things they don't include in the figures so its more like the 15% it feels like. Now your 3% wage rise gives you a realistic drop in standard of living of 10%. I expect that feels more like it?
Here's the clever bit (BBC Mantra Pending) "But unless we control wages then all your wage increase will be eaten up by inflation" Ah yes well that's if the rich want to make the same amount of profit then of course prices will go up. So maybe if they did not make as much profit then that would curb inflation?
The BBC criticised the unions at the London airport for calling a strike with a vote from only a third of the union membership. Err well on that basis if you include the people who with held their vote at the general election then the government which caused all this was elected on a much, much lower percentage of the electorate. Oh but they don't count us do they. The ones who decide to with hold our vote.
(BBC Mantra again) Well if the rich and the politicians are going to stay within 3% shouldn't we?
3%, 10% whatever means a lot to us. What does it mean to the rich? Nothing it makes no difference whatsoever. What does it mean to the politicians? Nothing because they are earning 100K of your money but here's the clever bit.
You, yes you. Mr curb your wage rise actually buy his shopping anyway. Ha Ha. oh and you pay for the taxi to take his Mrs shopping. oh and by the way you pay for his house and his TV and even his TV licence. So who cares whether inflation is 30% because its you who pays all the bills.
How funny is that?
So still wanna vote then?
Join us and with hold your vote at democracy how
The cynics wife theory
Surely if I want to do good things I can find support in my community? Maybe keep a hospital open or save some green belt land? If I try I can get people to come out to support me?
But If I want to do bad things like say polute the environment by building another runway or destroy some green belt by building a huge supermarket? Maybe buy a few more bombs? Well its going to be hard to get people out on the streets then and as a result hard to do bad things.
I still need influence though and because theres few of them they will have to be powerful decision makers.
The best influence to have is of course political. They make the decisions and send in the bulldozers after the so called enquiry has confirmed its a bad thing I want to do. They can even sign the cheques to help me buy the bombs. So the best way to get influence is to buy it and go to the right dinners and meet the right people. Therefore I become a political donor in order to build, polute or deprive in whatever form I choose. This is relatively easy with a party system of politics because they are a team and stick together from the top down.
Hence the Cynics Wife law of politics says that
"The party system by its nature demands that we have leades who work against our wishes"
But If I want to do bad things like say polute the environment by building another runway or destroy some green belt by building a huge supermarket? Maybe buy a few more bombs? Well its going to be hard to get people out on the streets then and as a result hard to do bad things.
I still need influence though and because theres few of them they will have to be powerful decision makers.
The best influence to have is of course political. They make the decisions and send in the bulldozers after the so called enquiry has confirmed its a bad thing I want to do. They can even sign the cheques to help me buy the bombs. So the best way to get influence is to buy it and go to the right dinners and meet the right people. Therefore I become a political donor in order to build, polute or deprive in whatever form I choose. This is relatively easy with a party system of politics because they are a team and stick together from the top down.
Hence the Cynics Wife law of politics says that
"The party system by its nature demands that we have leades who work against our wishes"
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
The Madness of King Gordon

Last week Gordon Brown looked a little out of touch when he declared that Britain was not broken. He claimed our society was intact. well it might be OK in Westminster but if he had any kind of connection with real society he would know how it feels to lie in bed at night listening to yobs outside singing and causing damage. To move to even reasonably good areas and find that Britain's yob culture is spreading far and wide. Attend any dinner party now for the middle to senior age group and the talk is of how to get out and where to go. France, Spain anywhere but here. We give up fighting for it,bloody have it. Its all a bit like getting lodgers in who really piss you off so you move out and leave the lodgers.
Well lots of politicians are out of touch but Gordon decided to brush off criticism by saying he was busy getting on with running the country and helping to deal with the world economic downturn. In fact lots of other politicians repeated the same mantra. Trouble is they not only didn't say what they were actually going to do they did nothing.
But have no fear, Gordon may well be sectioned after recently declaring that he was going to go on and win the next general election, not only that wait till you see what he does when he comes back from his holiday in September.
No doubt the men in white coats will be waiting for him on his return.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
The gardener moves to finance
How about this. Many of you may be in business and as such its important to have the right man for the job. Dedication, experience and skills. Not just your mate.... Cos you like him. Thats is exactly what party politics demands. I can not find a poitician with the skills for the job can you? Lets take some exmples at random Alan Johnson secretary of state for health - postman and union member head
James purnell – secretary of state for work and pensions was a Corporate planner for bbc Alistair darling chancellor of the exchequer – local council and a solicitor
Des Browne has been Secretary of State for Defence since 2006. and he is a solicitor too. Not withstanding the fact that they are able to change jobs and skills on a whim.
Lets take Des Browne? He is very adaptable Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Minister of State for Citizenship and Immigration at the Home Offiice. Minister of State for Work at the Department for Work and Pensions Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at The Northern Ireland Office. Mr Browne also tabled the Register of Drug Trafficking Offenders Bill, a private Member's Bill to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act and establish a register of trafficking offenders. So here's the suggestion using a business model. Lets put the governance and system in place and fill it with skilled individuals. Maybe people will vote for me as a skilled economist for a role in government, A strong military background perhaps. Your government knows nothing about you or your life and they certainly know little about their specialist subject or job role. What they do know about is being politicians but that doesn't help us one bit. That's why they constantly meddle and bring in illogical and lunatic policies like the ones we discuss often her and on our blog. Voting in this system is a complete waste of time because there is not a system for real democracy.
comment here is free so if anyone can find a political leader who has any experience whatsoever and i am sure there are some please post here.
James purnell – secretary of state for work and pensions was a Corporate planner for bbc Alistair darling chancellor of the exchequer – local council and a solicitor
Des Browne has been Secretary of State for Defence since 2006. and he is a solicitor too. Not withstanding the fact that they are able to change jobs and skills on a whim.
Lets take Des Browne? He is very adaptable Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Minister of State for Citizenship and Immigration at the Home Offiice. Minister of State for Work at the Department for Work and Pensions Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at The Northern Ireland Office. Mr Browne also tabled the Register of Drug Trafficking Offenders Bill, a private Member's Bill to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act and establish a register of trafficking offenders. So here's the suggestion using a business model. Lets put the governance and system in place and fill it with skilled individuals. Maybe people will vote for me as a skilled economist for a role in government, A strong military background perhaps. Your government knows nothing about you or your life and they certainly know little about their specialist subject or job role. What they do know about is being politicians but that doesn't help us one bit. That's why they constantly meddle and bring in illogical and lunatic policies like the ones we discuss often her and on our blog. Voting in this system is a complete waste of time because there is not a system for real democracy.
comment here is free so if anyone can find a political leader who has any experience whatsoever and i am sure there are some please post here.
Ms Blears fears
As our message slowly filters through you are celebrating another massive landslide in the local elections last week.
In a speech to the Social Market Foundation Ms Blears said the current system was not working - as evidenced in falling voter turnout at elections and the lowest turnouts in the most deprived areas. She added that the rows over MPs' expenses had been damaging and there was a sense "that politics is a tainted activity, something disreputable at best, corrupt at worst" as well as an "overwhelming sense of powerlessness" felt by voters.
Thanks to Ms Bears for her comments but we are nonetheless not powerless as the last local elections showed.
A massive 70% of the electorate decided to abstain from the system ms Blears called "disreputable at best and corrupt at worst" ever the optimist lets just say corrupt at best.
Lets not dwell however on that but on how we intend to utilise the general publics lack of interest in party politics.
Our numbers are growing all the time and our campaign will increase as we head towards the general election. We will continue to take the message forward that your vote does not count and increase our majority even further. Political parties were left to share the scraps and claim power when in fact they are left to split an embarressing 30% of the vote between them.
Ms Blears is doing the maths so why don't we?
Those who chose to vote probably had a realistic choice of one maybe two candidates at best. when it comes to the general election it will be the same. If they happen to be part of a major party as most will then they will follow the party line in most cases. some may even get jobs in the cabinet running massive parts of the countries assets without a single piece of working knowledge of that particular area. They will be advised and lobbied by paid advisers with vested interests from private industries. The real working knowledge of the department will be many levels below the prime ministers lackey who is put in charge because he is his mate. Add to this utter incompetence a level of self regulation that is laughable and it soon becomes apparent that withholding your vote is the only sensible option.
"You don't have to join em to beat em"
In a speech to the Social Market Foundation Ms Blears said the current system was not working - as evidenced in falling voter turnout at elections and the lowest turnouts in the most deprived areas. She added that the rows over MPs' expenses had been damaging and there was a sense "that politics is a tainted activity, something disreputable at best, corrupt at worst" as well as an "overwhelming sense of powerlessness" felt by voters.
Thanks to Ms Bears for her comments but we are nonetheless not powerless as the last local elections showed.
A massive 70% of the electorate decided to abstain from the system ms Blears called "disreputable at best and corrupt at worst" ever the optimist lets just say corrupt at best.
Lets not dwell however on that but on how we intend to utilise the general publics lack of interest in party politics.
Our numbers are growing all the time and our campaign will increase as we head towards the general election. We will continue to take the message forward that your vote does not count and increase our majority even further. Political parties were left to share the scraps and claim power when in fact they are left to split an embarressing 30% of the vote between them.
Ms Blears is doing the maths so why don't we?
Those who chose to vote probably had a realistic choice of one maybe two candidates at best. when it comes to the general election it will be the same. If they happen to be part of a major party as most will then they will follow the party line in most cases. some may even get jobs in the cabinet running massive parts of the countries assets without a single piece of working knowledge of that particular area. They will be advised and lobbied by paid advisers with vested interests from private industries. The real working knowledge of the department will be many levels below the prime ministers lackey who is put in charge because he is his mate. Add to this utter incompetence a level of self regulation that is laughable and it soon becomes apparent that withholding your vote is the only sensible option.
"You don't have to join em to beat em"
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
50,000,000,000 pounds in twenties please
50 thousand million pounds?
Where is that money coming from? No I know it came from you but I mean does anyone know where its been all this time. I can imagine the bank who gets a withdrawl from the government is gonna be a bit miffed at paying that out especially if they are still having to fork out to all those customers they defrauded for illegal bank charges. Bugger me thats a lot of money eh.
I mean imagine what you could buy with that. Why you could take all those 5 milion poor people who have just been screwed by Gordon Browns tax changes and say give em all £1,000 each or is it 5,000 i get my zero's mixed up.
You could even buy two extra royal families or another european parliment.
But in the meantime there is 50,000,000,000 extra pounds in the economy but how can that be? how come it doesnt devalue our currency? Who knows because I don't.
The truth is I dont even think it comes out of a bank really, it just kind of gets printed or is a bit like an I.O.U.
But remember this is not about supporting the greedy, illegal, thieving institutions who have earned much more in recent years than 50 billion in profits from you. No this is about supporting the economy and growth.
Whats the UK population at the moment 60 million? I am off to the bank to check my balance.
Where is that money coming from? No I know it came from you but I mean does anyone know where its been all this time. I can imagine the bank who gets a withdrawl from the government is gonna be a bit miffed at paying that out especially if they are still having to fork out to all those customers they defrauded for illegal bank charges. Bugger me thats a lot of money eh.
I mean imagine what you could buy with that. Why you could take all those 5 milion poor people who have just been screwed by Gordon Browns tax changes and say give em all £1,000 each or is it 5,000 i get my zero's mixed up.
You could even buy two extra royal families or another european parliment.
But in the meantime there is 50,000,000,000 extra pounds in the economy but how can that be? how come it doesnt devalue our currency? Who knows because I don't.
The truth is I dont even think it comes out of a bank really, it just kind of gets printed or is a bit like an I.O.U.
But remember this is not about supporting the greedy, illegal, thieving institutions who have earned much more in recent years than 50 billion in profits from you. No this is about supporting the economy and growth.
Whats the UK population at the moment 60 million? I am off to the bank to check my balance.
Free and confidential vote this week
Its election time again and as we expect from this great nation of ours we have the right to a free democratic vote which is our decision and ours alone. After carefully concidering the arguments we place our cross against one of the two maybe three candidates who stand any chance of winning.
We can stand by our decision and its our own private business?
Or is it?
When you go and vote you might like to check out the system. Your electoral card with your name and address etc will be checked against the electoral/credit register. Thats a list of people who have enough money to pay the poll tax but never mind we have had all those arguments.
When that has happened pay attention to what happens next. You are given a numbered voting slip and the number is entered next to your name on the list. Then you go and vote.
Now if I was to go and take your slip out of the polling box and check the number then I can easily find out how you voted.
How is that a confidential vote?
Surely the slip should just be deemed authentic? How come the way we all vote is registered?
We can stand by our decision and its our own private business?
Or is it?
When you go and vote you might like to check out the system. Your electoral card with your name and address etc will be checked against the electoral/credit register. Thats a list of people who have enough money to pay the poll tax but never mind we have had all those arguments.
When that has happened pay attention to what happens next. You are given a numbered voting slip and the number is entered next to your name on the list. Then you go and vote.
Now if I was to go and take your slip out of the polling box and check the number then I can easily find out how you voted.
How is that a confidential vote?
Surely the slip should just be deemed authentic? How come the way we all vote is registered?
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Take that to the bank
Ok so things are gonna be tough for the rest of the year. Maybe just two holidays this year or cut back on the mileage, maybe one less business lunch. Buy that long awaited million pound house once the market has stabilised. We can ride it out eh.
That's all well and good and a few quid here and there makes not much of a jot. After all we all reaped whilst the sun shone etc.
All well and good that is unless you are one of the people who actually, physically creates all the wealth in the first place. Just for sake of argument lets call them the low paid. They have no where to go, not very easy to maneuver when you are already rammed against the wall with your arm up your back. If you are one of those who is forced to walk to work so you can buy a packet of heavily taxed fags or maybe take a sweaty sandwich rather than dine in the canteen to save a few shilling. A few quid really hits hard, really hard.
But have no fear help is at hand. Gordon Brown who has managed to take the credit for a natural world wide economic boom over the last ten years will save us all. He has had meetings about how to help boost the housing market. The very same housing market that is NOT included in any inflation figures quoted. (wondered why it felt more like 3%?) The Bank of England will put £15bn more into the banking system. Presumably to help the economy by increasing overtime at the mint? The move is an effort to improve liquidity in the financial markets.
It has now injected more than £50bn since the start of the credit crisis, which was sparked by massive losses for banks who lent in the US sub-prime sector. Yes that's what we said lent, with interest. Banks are actually in it to make money you see and they have been pretty good at it until now. Now its tough they need bailing out with taxpayers money yet again. 50,000 million pounds of your money to bail out the guys whose greed has caused the problem in the first place. No one mentionng how hard it must be paying back all those fraudulant bank charges they hit you with either, never mind throw it in the pot.
The bank of England will cut interest rates to the banks by lending them your money as long as they promise to pass that on to the lenders they are already making money from so that we can borrow some more and they can then make some more money so they can pay it back to the government who can pay it back to you. Simple!
Meanwhile lets go and get the butties made and off to bed, I have get up an hour early so I can walk to work tomorow. Anyone got a light?
That's all well and good and a few quid here and there makes not much of a jot. After all we all reaped whilst the sun shone etc.
All well and good that is unless you are one of the people who actually, physically creates all the wealth in the first place. Just for sake of argument lets call them the low paid. They have no where to go, not very easy to maneuver when you are already rammed against the wall with your arm up your back. If you are one of those who is forced to walk to work so you can buy a packet of heavily taxed fags or maybe take a sweaty sandwich rather than dine in the canteen to save a few shilling. A few quid really hits hard, really hard.
But have no fear help is at hand. Gordon Brown who has managed to take the credit for a natural world wide economic boom over the last ten years will save us all. He has had meetings about how to help boost the housing market. The very same housing market that is NOT included in any inflation figures quoted. (wondered why it felt more like 3%?) The Bank of England will put £15bn more into the banking system. Presumably to help the economy by increasing overtime at the mint? The move is an effort to improve liquidity in the financial markets.
It has now injected more than £50bn since the start of the credit crisis, which was sparked by massive losses for banks who lent in the US sub-prime sector. Yes that's what we said lent, with interest. Banks are actually in it to make money you see and they have been pretty good at it until now. Now its tough they need bailing out with taxpayers money yet again. 50,000 million pounds of your money to bail out the guys whose greed has caused the problem in the first place. No one mentionng how hard it must be paying back all those fraudulant bank charges they hit you with either, never mind throw it in the pot.
The bank of England will cut interest rates to the banks by lending them your money as long as they promise to pass that on to the lenders they are already making money from so that we can borrow some more and they can then make some more money so they can pay it back to the government who can pay it back to you. Simple!
Meanwhile lets go and get the butties made and off to bed, I have get up an hour early so I can walk to work tomorow. Anyone got a light?
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
What conscience?
The debate about whether MP's should be allowed a free vote on the frankenmouse bill is in full swing and as usual the billion pound medical industry media machine has swung into action. Not withstanding the clever planting of the usual surge of Miracle cure life saving potential treatment stories. They still fill us with fear with wordss like cancer, lukemia and altziemers. Havent we heard all these arguments for the past 40 years while we pour millions into the charity pot of organisations like cancer research UK. God bless em they intent to spend £400,000,000 pounds on research this year and tell us it proves they are working harder. Instead they continue to spend it making rats and mice better instead of humans. have you noticed cancer is getting worse? The latest frankenmouse enabled a mouse to get a cold so that it too could be cured, you see mice dont get colds. Despite all your charitable giving animal tested drugs fail at the human stage in 95% of cases after years of work. The BBC (Britains Big Coverup) was keen to share our misery at missing a days racing at Cheltenham (20 mins on peak news) which left little time to talk about the fact that one of the worlds biggest drug manufacturers was being charged with manslaughter over its misuse of prescription medication research.
After all that how come no one stopped to concider that an MP who is elected by you to represent your interests is expected to resign from his £60,000 plus expenses job if he decides to represent you and not the government. Standard practice by all accounts, thats what you are voting for.
Its standard practice to resign if you vote against the governments bill. just wanted to repeat that so its clear. Therefore by default all power rests with the vert top tear of policy makers and will remain unchallenged while we are all busy standing outside in the freezing cold having a fag.. Is it just me...?
After all that how come no one stopped to concider that an MP who is elected by you to represent your interests is expected to resign from his £60,000 plus expenses job if he decides to represent you and not the government. Standard practice by all accounts, thats what you are voting for.
Its standard practice to resign if you vote against the governments bill. just wanted to repeat that so its clear. Therefore by default all power rests with the vert top tear of policy makers and will remain unchallenged while we are all busy standing outside in the freezing cold having a fag.. Is it just me...?
Friday, 14 March 2008
The John Lewis Account
If you didn't have your pitchforks at the ready from the latest round of revelations you will now. Since MP's and the speaker were caught with their hands in the till recently they chose to discuss the matter inanely until it went away. Instead of talking about the crime that was committed they prefer to talk about the law itself.
Now its been revealed that we may get to see all their claims from 2004... Makes you wonder what went on in 2003 eh? Before the shock of that and before you light those torches one MP said "we are being made to feel like crooks" that's because you are. (writs to the usual address and see you in court)
Its now been revealed that the honourable gentleman can claim up to 23,000 quid on a whole range of luxury goods. But there is a simple solution of course and technology has the answer how about just employing a department to upload the whole lot to web pages for perusal by their bosses at any time. By bosses I mean you and me of course and while they are at it why not also put all the party donations on there you too, you could even put links to their business interests to. It would be a system to be proud of and for a fraction of the cost of an MP's second home. In fact I will email the PM right away and see what he thinks.
If you can be bothered here's the highlights of the list, maybe you could print it off and use it to light your torch before we storm Westminster (After getting an appointment of course)
Air conditioning unit - £299.99
Bed - £1,000.00
Bookcase/cabinet - £500.00
Carpet - £35.00 per square metre
Carpet fitting - £6.50 per square metre
Dining table - £600.00
Dishwasher - £375.00
Drawer chest (five) - £500.00
Dressing table - £500.00
Dry cleaning - both personal and household [items] are allowable within reasonable limits
Food mixer - £200.00
Freestanding mirror - £300.00
Fridge/freezer combi - £550.00
Gas cooker - £650.00
Hi-fi/stereo - £750.00
Installation of new bathroom - £6,335.00
Installation of new kitchen - £10,000.00
Lamp table - £200.00
Nest of tables - £200.00
Recordable DVD - £270.00
Rugs (each) - £300.00
Shredder - £50.00
Sideboard - £795.00
Suite of furniture - £2,000.00
Television set - £750.00
Tumble dryer - £250.00
Underlay (basic) - £6.99 per square metre
Wardrobe - £700.00
Washer dryer - £500.00
Washing machine - £350.00
Wooden flooring/carpets - £35.00 per square metre
Workstation - £150.00
Now its been revealed that we may get to see all their claims from 2004... Makes you wonder what went on in 2003 eh? Before the shock of that and before you light those torches one MP said "we are being made to feel like crooks" that's because you are. (writs to the usual address and see you in court)
Its now been revealed that the honourable gentleman can claim up to 23,000 quid on a whole range of luxury goods. But there is a simple solution of course and technology has the answer how about just employing a department to upload the whole lot to web pages for perusal by their bosses at any time. By bosses I mean you and me of course and while they are at it why not also put all the party donations on there you too, you could even put links to their business interests to. It would be a system to be proud of and for a fraction of the cost of an MP's second home. In fact I will email the PM right away and see what he thinks.
If you can be bothered here's the highlights of the list, maybe you could print it off and use it to light your torch before we storm Westminster (After getting an appointment of course)
Air conditioning unit - £299.99
Bed - £1,000.00
Bookcase/cabinet - £500.00
Carpet - £35.00 per square metre
Carpet fitting - £6.50 per square metre
Dining table - £600.00
Dishwasher - £375.00
Drawer chest (five) - £500.00
Dressing table - £500.00
Dry cleaning - both personal and household [items] are allowable within reasonable limits
Food mixer - £200.00
Freestanding mirror - £300.00
Fridge/freezer combi - £550.00
Gas cooker - £650.00
Hi-fi/stereo - £750.00
Installation of new bathroom - £6,335.00
Installation of new kitchen - £10,000.00
Lamp table - £200.00
Nest of tables - £200.00
Recordable DVD - £270.00
Rugs (each) - £300.00
Shredder - £50.00
Sideboard - £795.00
Suite of furniture - £2,000.00
Television set - £750.00
Tumble dryer - £250.00
Underlay (basic) - £6.99 per square metre
Wardrobe - £700.00
Washer dryer - £500.00
Washing machine - £350.00
Wooden flooring/carpets - £35.00 per square metre
Workstation - £150.00
Thursday, 13 March 2008
They wealthy leave and we get richer
If the wealthy do start to leave Britain you will get richer in more ways than one. They say we have to be very careful here how we treat the rich and by definition brainy people in our society because if you think you can start asking them to contribute to the society they live in they can get pretty upset. They may decide to go and live somewhere else and then what would we do, a brain drain and a money drain.
Firstly lets define the relationship between brain and wealth. I can't because there isn't one. Professors and academics are not finding themselves sitting on yachts enjoying the wealth of their labours, they are busy working like the rest of us. Inventing new syndromes or things to be afraid of or excited about. Like Number crunching Nostradamus's the profits of doom spend years working out how long it was going to be before the sun burns out or we all die of aids.
So by definition the rich are not doing that much in the brain department we can be sure of that. Yes but they are our captains of industry the people who create wealth and jobs. So you don't know anyone on your estate who is making a living and creating a good business. When the brains leave we are all going to stand around wondering how to fulfill our needs without global brands like Tesco or Costa to tell us what we need? nope.
But what about the money, we need their money and investment or we will all become poor. OK lets put ten guys in a room and say about eight of us have around 5 to ten quid each. another guy has half a million pounds and another has got say a million. But they say nasty things about him and he leaves the room. once he has gone then is everyone in the room richer or poorer? They are richer of course from the top down. All those with the fivers and tenners have relatively more money in the rooms economy and the second richest guy is now the richest.
What about jobs, we need the jobs. They seriously expect us to believe that if we upset someone who spends very little time here anyway that they are going to up and go to Sweden. Not only that they are going to take all their coffee shops, aeroplanes, oil rigs or whatever it is with them. They can't and if they did then number two richest guy will buy em and damn cheap too and just for fun he would then have to pay more wages to the rest. Because everyone else is a bit wealthier now he has gone.
Result is they leave and we get richer, real people get richer
Firstly lets define the relationship between brain and wealth. I can't because there isn't one. Professors and academics are not finding themselves sitting on yachts enjoying the wealth of their labours, they are busy working like the rest of us. Inventing new syndromes or things to be afraid of or excited about. Like Number crunching Nostradamus's the profits of doom spend years working out how long it was going to be before the sun burns out or we all die of aids.
So by definition the rich are not doing that much in the brain department we can be sure of that. Yes but they are our captains of industry the people who create wealth and jobs. So you don't know anyone on your estate who is making a living and creating a good business. When the brains leave we are all going to stand around wondering how to fulfill our needs without global brands like Tesco or Costa to tell us what we need? nope.
But what about the money, we need their money and investment or we will all become poor. OK lets put ten guys in a room and say about eight of us have around 5 to ten quid each. another guy has half a million pounds and another has got say a million. But they say nasty things about him and he leaves the room. once he has gone then is everyone in the room richer or poorer? They are richer of course from the top down. All those with the fivers and tenners have relatively more money in the rooms economy and the second richest guy is now the richest.
What about jobs, we need the jobs. They seriously expect us to believe that if we upset someone who spends very little time here anyway that they are going to up and go to Sweden. Not only that they are going to take all their coffee shops, aeroplanes, oil rigs or whatever it is with them. They can't and if they did then number two richest guy will buy em and damn cheap too and just for fun he would then have to pay more wages to the rest. Because everyone else is a bit wealthier now he has gone.
Result is they leave and we get richer, real people get richer
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Thief me? No I forgot!
I am a really nice guy honestly I really am. I can tell you loads of people who really like me and I mean loads. I even do a good job and I mean a really good job when I am at work. I do some work for charity too. Now I know I walked out of a shop the other day with a bottle of wine without paying but I can explain. It was an oversight on my part, that's all. I am doing two jobs at the moment and I was focusing on my work rather than thinking about stopping at the till to pay for the wine. Anyway to be fair its all so bloody complicated these days what with automated tills and the like. Our time would be better spent reviewing the rules so we know who has to pay for what rather than wasting my time on this nonsense. I wasn't even sure I had to pay because I thought my wife did that. Lots of people steal from shops you know oh yes and before you start having a go at me you should realise that I am being made a scapegoat for all those other people who steal all sorts of things. Its just a witch hunt pure and simple and its all because I'm working class. Making a mountain out of a molehill that's for sure. I have agreed not to go into the shop again for at least two weeks which is punishment enough so there is obviously no reason to waste police time. To be fair I go in that wine shop all the time and see people who do a worse job than me buying much nicer wine than me. Maybe if I earned more money then it would not come to this. I am not like those politicians........ Thieving B***ards
I'm a Prat, I'm an MP
Lets break this country into two groups for a moment. First of all there's all of us and for the sake of argument we will call them the taxpayers. Then there's group two who are the government who are also taxpayers as individuals. Now as a group the Government don't have any money at all really. Its all taxpayers money and they just move it around a bit. For example one person has no kids so they take some of their money and give it to someone who has got kids. Because they need it more? Look stop being silly and pay attention that has got nothing to do with it. So back to the government, they also look after the taxpayers assets say things like council buildings, the royal family etc oh and council houses. Well that's all so far so good but they decided to sell them. But who to, well they sold them to the taxpayers. Yes the people who already owned them bought them again. Its OK because its still taxpayers money. But then things get bad and no one has anywhere to live and all the houses have been sold. So here's the clever bit. The government are going to look pretty bad if no one can buy his tiny little bit of England and you know what happens when the people get pissed. (See Theory of politics) So they offer to pay half for essential workers to get on the property ladder. Genius. Essential worker Trans: majority of government employees on low pay and we want to keep it that way They are using our money to prop up the mortgage market and appease ESSENTIAL workers and everyone is happy. Because what happens if no one can climb the ladder. well the people at the top of the ladder can't climb up either. Problem solved
It reminds me of the apple mac adds
"Hello I'm a prat"
"Hello I'm an MP"
"I'd like some help getting on the housing ladder"
"I'm an MP I can help by lending you half the equity till you can afford the rest"
"You mean I get half a house"
"kind of yes"
"Who owns the other half"
"I do"
"Who lends me the equity"
"I do"
"Hang on where are you going to get the money to lend me?"
"I have lots of money, its taxpayers money and the money from selling all those counsel houses to you"
"Hang on so aren't I a taxpayer?"
"Well yes"
"So you sold my house back to me then you are going to use the money that I pay you to lend me half of my own house?"
"EER yes that's right"
"Wow thanks"
It reminds me of the apple mac adds
"Hello I'm a prat"
"Hello I'm an MP"
"I'd like some help getting on the housing ladder"
"I'm an MP I can help by lending you half the equity till you can afford the rest"
"You mean I get half a house"
"kind of yes"
"Who owns the other half"
"I do"
"Who lends me the equity"
"I do"
"Hang on where are you going to get the money to lend me?"
"I have lots of money, its taxpayers money and the money from selling all those counsel houses to you"
"Hang on so aren't I a taxpayer?"
"Well yes"
"So you sold my house back to me then you are going to use the money that I pay you to lend me half of my own house?"
"EER yes that's right"
"Wow thanks"
The Cynics Wife Theory of Politics
The power of people comes in huge upsurges of condemnation, aggression and appeasement. The political world is upside down and self centred and in general the people have very little part to play in the running of their affairs. So should we wish to build a hospital or show compassion for one of our citizens then these things can be achieved through struggle, unrest and often violence. The riots in Manchester and Liverpool being a case in point where the peoples unrest resulted in violence which resulted in appeasement in the shape of regeneration schemes set to keep them all occupied for years to come. A tiny investment of £60 million pounds, a drop in the ocean. Order restored for the cost of a couple of harrier jump jets and a handful of missiles. Just so that our political system can maintain the status quo and let good people do good things.
So lets say you are very, very wealthy and you would like to get even wealthier by doing things that are not very nice. Lets say you want to build a superstore on a beauty spot or expand an airport polluting the Sky's. What if you could make even more billions of pounds by selling harmless or harmfull drugs to the citizens. Maybe you want to make money proving they work in the first place through flawed evidence. Well thats all well and good but your fellow man is not going to be rioting in the street to support you are they. Your on your own... Unless. nah. Unless you could buy some friends. Not normal friends but big friends, like powerful political friends. Ah the answer. Party politics yes you could give some of your millions to them in numerous ways. Thats it.
Thats the Cynics Wife Theory of politics. Hence our political system dictates that "We are bound to have a government which works against the wishes of the majority"
So lets say you are very, very wealthy and you would like to get even wealthier by doing things that are not very nice. Lets say you want to build a superstore on a beauty spot or expand an airport polluting the Sky's. What if you could make even more billions of pounds by selling harmless or harmfull drugs to the citizens. Maybe you want to make money proving they work in the first place through flawed evidence. Well thats all well and good but your fellow man is not going to be rioting in the street to support you are they. Your on your own... Unless. nah. Unless you could buy some friends. Not normal friends but big friends, like powerful political friends. Ah the answer. Party politics yes you could give some of your millions to them in numerous ways. Thats it.
Thats the Cynics Wife Theory of politics. Hence our political system dictates that "We are bound to have a government which works against the wishes of the majority"
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